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Docker Quickstart Guide

This guide will help you get started with the basics of using ServerlessLLM with Docker. Please make sure you have Docker installed on your system and have installed ServerlessLLM CLI following the installation guide.


Ensure you have the following pre-requisites:

  1. GPUs: Ensure you have at least 2 GPUs available. If more GPUs are provided, you can adjust the number of workers and the number of devices assigned to each worker.
  2. NVIDIA Docker Toolkit: This allows Docker to use NVIDIA GPUs. You can find the installation guide here.

Run ServerlessLLM using Docker

First, let's start a local Docker-based ray cluster to run ServerlessLLM.

Step 1: Build Docker Images

Run the following commands to build the Docker images:

docker build . -t serverlessllm/sllm-serve
docker build -f Dockerfile.worker . -t serverlessllm/sllm-serve-worker

Step 2: Configuration

Ensure that you have a directory for storing your models and set the MODEL_FOLDER environment variable to this directory:

export MODEL_FOLDER=path/to/models

Also, check if the Docker network sllm exists and create it if it doesn't:

if ! docker network ls | grep -q "sllm"; then
echo "Docker network 'sllm' does not exist. Creating network..."
docker network create sllm
echo "Docker network 'sllm' already exists."

Step 3: Start the Ray Head and Worker Nodes

Run the following commands to start the Ray head node and worker nodes:

Start Ray Head Node

docker run -d --name ray_head \
--runtime nvidia \
--network sllm \
-p 6379:6379 \
-p 8343:8343 \
--gpus '"device=none"' \

Start Ray Worker Nodes

docker run -d --name ray_worker_0 \
--runtime nvidia \
--network sllm \
--gpus '"device=0"' \
--env WORKER_ID=0 \
--mount type=bind,source=$MODEL_FOLDER,target=/models \

docker run -d --name ray_worker_1 \
--runtime nvidia \
--network sllm \
--gpus '"device=1"' \
--env WORKER_ID=1 \
--mount type=bind,source=$MODEL_FOLDER,target=/models \

Step 4: Start ServerlessLLM Serve

Run the following command to start the ServerlessLLM serve:

docker exec ray_head sh -c "/opt/conda/bin/sllm-serve start"

Step 5: Deploy a Model Using sllm-cli

Open a new terminal, activate the sllm environment, and set the LLM_SERVER_URL environment variable:

conda activate sllm

Deploy a model to the ServerlessLLM server using the sllm-cli:

sllm-cli deploy --model facebook/opt-1.3b

Note: This command will spend some time downloading the model from the Hugging Face Model Hub. You can use any model from the Hugging Face Model Hub by specifying the model name in the --model argument.

Expected output:

INFO 08-01 07:38:12] Deploying model facebook/opt-1.3b with default configuration.
INFO 08-01 07:39:00] Model registered successfully.

Step 6: Query the Model

Now, you can query the model by any OpenAI API client. For example, you can use the following Python code to query the model:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"model": "facebook/opt-1.3b",
"messages": [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "What is your name?"}

Expected output:

{"id":"chatcmpl-8b4773e9-a98b-41db-8163-018ed3dc65e2","object":"chat.completion","created":1720183759,"model":"facebook/opt-1.3b","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"system: You are a helpful assistant.\nuser: What is your name?\nsystem: I am a helpful assistant.\n"},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"stop"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":16,"completion_tokens":26,"total_tokens":42}}%

Deleting a Model

To delete a deployed model, use the following command:

sllm-cli delete facebook/opt-1.3b

This will remove the specified model from the ServerlessLLM server.

You can also remove several models at once by providing multiple model names separated by spaces:

sllm-cli delete facebook/opt-1.3b facebook/opt-2.7b


If you need to stop and remove the containers, you can use the following commands:

docker exec ray_head sh -c "ray stop"
docker exec ray_worker_0 sh -c "ray stop"
docker exec ray_worker_1 sh -c "ray stop"

docker stop ray_head ray_worker_0 ray_worker_1
docker rm ray_head ray_worker_0 ray_worker_1
docker network rm sllm