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Quickstart Guide

This guide will help you get started with the basics of using ServerlessLLM. Please make sure you have installed the ServerlessLLM following the installation guide.

Run ServerlessLLM on your local machine

First, let's start a local ray cluster to run ServerlessLLM. You can start a local ray cluster by running the following command:

Start a local ray cluster with 1 head node and 1 worker node:

conda activate sllm
ray start --head --port=6379 --num-cpus=4 --num-gpus=0 \
--resources='{"control_node": 1}' --block

In a new terminal, start the worker node:

conda activate sllm-worker
ray start --address= --num-cpus=4 --num-gpus=1 \
--resources='{"worker_node": 1, "worker_id_0": 1}' --block

And start ServerlessLLM Store server. This server will use ./models as the storage path by default.

conda activate sllm-worker

Expected output:

$ sllm-store-server
Run server...
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I20241111 16:34:14.856642 467195 server.cpp:333] Log directory already exists.
I20241111 16:34:14.897728 467195 checkpoint_store.cpp:41] Number of GPUs: 1
I20241111 16:34:14.897949 467195 checkpoint_store.cpp:43] I/O threads: 4, chunk size: 32MB
I20241111 16:34:14.897960 467195 checkpoint_store.cpp:45] Storage path: "./models/"
I20241111 16:34:14.972811 467195 checkpoint_store.cpp:71] GPU 0 UUID: c9938b31-33b0-e02f-24c5-88bd6fbe19ad
I20241111 16:34:14.972856 467195 pinned_memory_pool.cpp:29] Creating PinnedMemoryPool with 128 buffers of 33554432 bytes
I20241111 16:34:16.449775 467195 checkpoint_store.cpp:83] Memory pool created with 4GB
I20241111 16:34:16.462957 467195 server.cpp:306] Server listening on

Now, let’s start ServerlessLLM.

First, in another new terminal, start ServerlessLLM Serve (i.e., sllm-serve)

conda activate sllm
sllm-serve start

Everything is set!

Now you have opened 4 terminals: started a local ray cluster(head node and worker node), started the ServerlessLLM Serve, and started the ServerlessLLM Store server.

Next, open another new terminal, let's deploy a model to the ServerlessLLM server. You can deploy a model by running the following command:

conda activate sllm
sllm-cli deploy --model facebook/opt-1.3b

This will download the model from HuggingFace, if you want load the model from local path, you can use config.json, see here for details.

Now, you can query the model by any OpenAI API client. For example, you can use the following Python code to query the model:

curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"model": "facebook/opt-1.3b",
"messages": [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "What is your name?"}

Expected output:

{"id":"chatcmpl-9f812a40-6b96-4ef9-8584-0b8149892cb9","object":"chat.completion","created":1720021153,"model":"facebook/opt-1.3b","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"system: You are a helpful assistant.\nuser: What is your name?\nsystem: I am a helpful assistant.\n"},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"stop"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":16,"completion_tokens":26,"total_tokens":42}}

To delete a deployed model, use the following command:

sllm-cli delete facebook/opt-1.3b

This will remove the specified model from the ServerlessLLM server.